Center of Excellence Diagnostic Imaging

Precision Imaging for
Optimal Healthcare


Our Imaging Centre are equipped with the latest technology for diagnostic imaging. Our comprehensive range of services also includes imaging of the heart as well as other part of the body conducted by well – trained Radiologist, Cardiologist, Radiographers and other support staff. Other core competencies include oncological diagnostics and minimally invasive procedure such as percutaneous drainage and selected tissue biopsy. We possess state-of-the-art infrastructure for imaging with newly advanced diagnostic equipment, Positron Emission Tomography – Computed Tomography (PET-CT) in assessing cardiovascular disease and cancer. It effectively and efficiently images the patients with faster scan times, low dose and accurate quantification.


Recently on 24th June 2020, we marked history in our timeline by providing PET-CT cardiac perfusion study. This technique is using Rubidium-82 as radioisotope and Adenosine as pharmacological stress agent. This PET Rubidium rest and stress perfusion study, provides diagnostic ability to risk stratify patient that experiences chest pain. Unlike Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT), PET can diagnose coronary artery disease as well as to access myocardial blood flow reserve or also called coronary flow reserve (CFR). This information is critical and provides clinicians on the patient’s future risk of cardiac events.


We also offer a single beat Cardiac Computed Tomography (CT) scan with the latest technology to delineate the coronary arteries in identifying any blockages or abnormalities. Our CT scanner delivers excellent image quality and clinical capabilities through the convergence of coverage, spatial resolution, temporal resolution and spectral imaging – all in one. This new 512-slice system offers faster speed, higher definition and lower dose.



We specialize in advanced CT scan services tailored for cardiac and general health assessments. Our state-of-the-art CT scans produce detailed images of the heart and other bodily structures, enabling precise diagnosis of various conditions by our experienced medical team. Cardiac CT scans allow for thorough evaluation of the heart, blood vessels, and adjacent tissues, facilitating early detection of blockages or abnormalities.

Additionally, our general CT scans provide comprehensive imaging of organs, bones, and tissues, aiding in the diagnosis and monitoring of diverse medical conditions. Our commitment is to deliver high-quality care in a welcoming environment. Trust us to meet your CT scan needs and help you effectively manage your health journey.


We are pleased to provide advanced MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) services tailored for cardiac and general health assessments, ensuring optimal comfort and care for our patients. Our cardiac MRI scans offer detailed images of the heart, enabling our expert team to evaluate its structure, function, and blood flow accurately for the early diagnosis of heart conditions. Additionally, our general MRI scans deliver comprehensive imaging of the body’s organs, tissues, and bones, facilitating the diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions.

With state-of-the-art technology and compassionate staff, we aim to enhance the comfort and ease of your MRI experience while delivering precise diagnostic information to guide your treatment journey. By choosing Institut Jantung Negara for your MRI needs, we stand ready to assist you in prioritizing the health of your heart and overall well-being.


We specialize in offering advanced SPECT (Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography) cardiac imaging services aimed at ensuring the optimal health of your heart. SPECT cardiac imaging is a non-invasive and painless procedure that delivers comprehensive images detailing the blood flow and functionality of your heart. This imaging technique plays a crucial role in the early detection of any potential blockages or irregularities in the heart’s blood vessels, enabling our team of expert cardiologists to promptly diagnose heart conditions and facilitate timely interventions, thus enhancing treatment outcomes.

Our dedicated and empathetic team is committed to delivering individualized care, prioritizing your comfort and safety at every stage of the process. With our cutting-edge technology and unwavering pursuit of excellence, we stands as your reliable partner in safeguarding heart health. Allow us to manage your SPECT cardiac imaging needs, enabling you to prioritize your heart health for a healthier tomorrow.


We specialize in promoting heart health through advanced PET-CT (Positron Emission Tomography-Computed Tomography) imaging services. Our PET-CT scans offer insights into cardiac function and metabolism, inflammations, infections, and cancer, aiding in the precise diagnosis of heart and other organ conditions by our skilled Cardiologists and Nuclear Medicine Specialist.

This non-invasive procedure integrates PET and CT scans to provide comprehensive imaging for both cardiac and general health evaluations. Whether you seek assessment for heart-related concerns or a comprehensive health check-up, our PET-CT scans offer accurate diagnostic information to inform your treatment plan. Let us help you put your heart and general health first for a healthy future.


We provide a comprehensive range of General Ultrasound and Doppler Ultrasound services to support your healthcare journey. Our General Ultrasound utilizes sound waves to generate images of bodily organs, tissues, and structures, enabling our skilled medical professionals to accurately diagnose various medical conditions. Whether your concerns pertain to hepatic, renal, or other anatomical issues, our General Ultrasound can offer valuable insights to inform your treatment regime.

On the other hand, Doppler ultrasound specifically focuses on studying blood flow through veins and arteries. It is a non-invasive test that uses sound waves to measure the blood flow within blood vessels. This type of ultrasound is particularly useful in assessing conditions such as blood clots, blocked arteries, and narrowing of blood vessels This non-invasive procedure is both safe and painless, catering to patients across all age groups. Allow us to assist you in taking proactive measures towards enhancing your health and overall well-being.


We offer screening mammography services as one of our health screening services. Mammography, a specialized X-ray imaging technique, is employed to detect breast abnormalities, including early indications of breast cancer. Utilizing cutting-edge equipment and techniques, our mammography services deliver precise and detailed images of breast tissue, enabling our skilled radiologists to identify potential issues at an early stage.

This non-invasive procedure is swift, safe, and comfortable, catering to women of all age groups. Regular mammograms play a crucial role in the timely detection and effective treatment of breast cancer, ultimately enhancing outcomes and increasing survival rates. Committed to delivering top-quality care and support, as we ensures a superior mammography experience.


We offer state-of-the-art Digital Radiography services to cater to your healthcare requirements. Digital Radiography, an advanced imaging modality, utilizes digital sensors for the acquisition of X-ray images of the human body. In comparison to conventional X-ray techniques, Digital Radiography yields superior image clarity and detail, enabling our proficient radiologists to identify and diagnose medical conditions with heightened precision. This non-invasive procedure is swift, safe, and painless, rendering it suitable for patients across all age groups. Whether your imaging needs pertain to bone fractures, pulmonary ailments, or other medical issues, our Digital Radiography services deliver exceptional outcomes within a welcoming setting. At Institut Jantung Negara, we place paramount importance on your well-being and are dedicated to providing optimal care.


We provide Digital Mobile Radiography services, delivering cutting-edge imaging technology directly to patients’ bedsides for enhanced convenience and comfort. This advanced technique utilizes state-of-the-art equipment to capture high-resolution X-ray images, facilitating accurate diagnosis and monitoring of various medical conditions by our skilled healthcare professionals. Whether patients are recovering from cardiac procedures or have limited mobility, our portable radiography services guarantee prompt and precise imaging without requiring transfer to a dedicated imaging facility.

This non-invasive procedure is swift, safe, and painless, enabling efficient diagnosis and treatment planning. When it comes to Digital Mobile Radiography, patients can rely on us because we go above and beyond to provide them with the best care possible.